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N-, mag-
To walk about (aimlessly), to roam, to loiter.
Di'ilew maglunsul ku si puweblo.
Yesterday I walked about town.
Tungannu maglunsul hap Yakan village bu ga' du niya' akanu.
What are you going to the Yakan village for, and what’s more you don’t have a purpose.
A'a iyan gana' tarabahune seddili luwal ngalunsul tabu'anin.
That person has nothing else to do than always roaming the market.
A reason for going (somewhere).
Ine luwal ilunsulnu hap Manila'in?
What is the reason for your always going to Manila?
Ilunsulku mapīhin mayaman me' hayepku.
The reason for my going there was to look after my animals.
A way one has to go.
Patenna' lu'u ne kew si iskulan. Pegge' bang tu'u pe kew si luma' tala pe ilunsulnun.
Stay there at the school. Because if you still live here at home you still have a long way to go.
Tala ilunsulkun bang ku la'i si luma'de.
I have a long way to go when I am staying at their house.
Customary route, familiar route.
Gey ne kite katalahan bang iye ne lunsulanten.
We don’t think it to be far when it is our customary route.
Lunsulannun luwal hap si luma' Mam Anu.
Your familiar route is always to the house of Mrs. Anu.
pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
For s.t. to move over, to move back and forth.
Palunsul iye si ka'u.
He moves over to you.
Ga' ku patenna' la'i diyata' punu maglunsulan ku hadja.
I don’t stay on the mountain; I just keep moving back and forth.
N-, mag-
To move s.t. over (to some other place).
Palunsulku bangku'in hap tindakan.
I moved my bench over towards the back of the house.
Tabanganun ku malunsul bangku' inin hap po'on dinding.
Help me to move this bench over to the wall.
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