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N-, mag- (recip.)
To hit s.t.
Da'a ekka kawulnu duk gey lisagku kōknun.
Don’t make a fuss so that I won’t hit your head.
We'ey ka'am luwal maglisag?
Why are you always hitting each other?
Bang iyan lisag ellewin pinuhi'an iyan, daddali' du iyan gangu.
If the sun will hit what is drying there, it will quickly get dry.
N-, mag-
To strike, hit (a musical instrument with a mallet).
Sine naglisag agung miya'an?
Who struck that gong?
Lisagun agungin.
Strike the gong.
kelisag, lelisag
Mallet, drum stick; stick for playing gongs.
eddo'un lisagin, tiya' ku ngulintang.
Go and get the mallet; I want to play the gongs.
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