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To drown; to suffocate, smother, stifle.
We capsized in the sea; we almost drowned.
Tumapuk anakkun dem aparadul ubus lambo.
My child accidentally hid in the cupboard and suffocated.
Ga'i ku kasandal magbungkus pegge' lambo ku.
I can’t stand covering myself up because I (feel) smothered.
Iyu' ne kite ga'i kapagkale, lambo ne kite we' helling jīpin.
We cannot hear (each other) anymore; we are drowned out by the sound of the jeeps.
N-, mag- (recip. or repet.)
To drown s.o., stifle, smother s.o.
Da'a be ka'am maglambo.
Don’t drown each other (by pushing one another’s heads under water).
Kiteku ensini' anaknun ngalambo anak meyong.
I saw your child earlier drowning a kitten.
We'ey lambonu anak meyong iyan?
Why are you drowning that kitten?
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