To close s.t. partially (as a door), turn down (flame of kerosene lamp).
Turn down the flame in that lamp.
She closed the door partially.
For s.t. to close in; for sides to come closer together.
The width of this land is not the same. On one end it is wide, on the other end it (the sides) comes close together.
I am not brave enough to go into that hole lest the soil will cave in.
If the sea anemone is still in the sea and one touches it, it closes (its tentacles).
N-, mag- -an (repet.), mag- redup. (repet.)
For s.t. to close tightly, clamp down (as a clam); close in, cave in (as soil); to flicker (as a light).
The flickering occurs because fuel or power supply is intermittent (as if closed and opened).
Don’t touch the opening of that clam; it clamps down.
They say the soil will cave in if we go into the hole.
Why is that light flickering? (Flame getting smaller, then flaring up.) There is little kerosene left.