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pa-, N-, mag- (pl.)
To agree (with s.t), concur, consent, go along (with what another one says or sings).
Such as to sing a song in unison or as in the type of song called mawulud.
He does not agree when there is a plan.
Ga' tabellide bulakin pegge' ga' magdūs isunden.
They did not buy the land because they didn’t agree (lit. their planning did not agree).
Niya' pangisunku me' pungtina'ikun bu ga'i siye ngandūs.
I suggested something to my siblings but they did not consent.
N- -an
To agree (with s.t); consent, concur; join; comply, go along or follow with (what another one says or sings).
Dūsanku iye bang iye mabaya' lumengngan.
I agree with him if he wants to go out.
Dūsan samanen kabaya'an anaknen.
The father consents to the wishes of his child.
Ga' niya' ngandūsan iye.
Nobody concurs with her.
A companion (in singing).
She sings the mawulud alone; she has no companion.
To straighten or line up (long objects).
Tabanganun ku magdūs-dūs papan inin duk ga'i sewsugiyal.
Help me to straighten up these boards so they aren’t in a heap.
Pagdūs-dūsun basi' iyan duk ga'i kewungkanat.
Straighten those iron rods so that they are not scattered.
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