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A verbal affix in a single-argument construction. It signals that many people or items are affected in the same way / doing the same action, or that one item or person is affected repeatedly.
The C stands for ‘consonant’ which is always the same as the first consonant of the following root.
Lewlabo' me' bino'onen pegge' ga' niya' pengisihanne.
What she carries keeps falling because she has nothing to put it in.
Hewhebba' ku pegge' lareg lānin.
I repeatedly fell because the trail was slippery.
Sewsaget ne hadja bissāhan a'a iyan.
The speech of that person is all mixed (different languages together).
Kewungkilep ne ku hadja kaw tewwa' matakun we' me' mākanak luwal magtibag iyan.
I just keep blinking (my eyes) lest my eyes are hit by those children throwing stones.
Sewsingkab ne hadja iye pegge' ekka bahanne.
She just does several things at the same time because she has much to do.

verb English gloss form with Cew- prefix
------------ ------------------------ ----------------------
duddag fall off dewduddag
hantak fall on buttocks hewhantak
labo' fall lewlabo'
pagpag drop, fall pewpagpag
hebba' topple hewhebba'
lagumey mix lewlagumey
saget mix sewsaget
kilep blink kewungkilep
kisi' grin kewungkisi'
singkab1 do things at same time sewsingkab
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