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To be ashamed; shy; embarrassed.
Iya' nakanakin si kite bi.
The child is shy of us.
To be ashamed before each other.
E.g. after having quarreled but not yet reconciled. It does not apply to strangers meeting for the first time.
Me' a'a metu'uhin bang behu ubus kinawin magke'iya' siye magsabit.
In old times, newly married people were ashamed to speak to each other.
Magka'iya' siye pegge' bakas magkalasa siye metu'uhin.
They are ashamed before each other because they used to court.
Shameful, causing shame.
Da'a ka'am magsasa' bang sōng mangan, meke'iya'-iya'.
Don’t fight when you are going to eat; it is shameful.
Meke'iya'-iya' bang kew nangkew.
It is shameful when you steal.
N-, mag- (recip.)
To make s.o. ashamed, to shame s.o.
Pa'iya'ne ku; gey ku da'akne luwal māku si siye.
He made me ashamed; he told me to not always ask things for them.
A'a iyan basag ma'iya'.
That person often makes (people) ashamed.
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