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Classifier for transitive verbs that require -an when the unmarked choice for the absolutive argument is the object.
Ubusanne sokalin.
She used up the sugar.
Pahidanku lamehin.
I swept the yard.
Dekdakanne semmekin si bohe'.
She laundered the clothes at the river.
Valence increaser if a recipient or beneficiary is promoted to direct object.
Urunganne nakanakin libru.
She gave the child a book.
Bellahanne sa'inen kenna.
She cooked fish for her mother.
La'itanne salinen badju'.
She sewed a blouse for her younger sister.
Verbal affix indicating partial affectedness.
It occurs with a restricted class of verbs.
Keppi'anne mitalin.
He dented the can.
Polonganne kayuhin duk takite bang amban lānden.
He broke some of that tree off so that it can be seen which way they took.
Derivational affix that derives adjectives from nouns.
Batuhan bulaknen.
His land is stony.
Punuhan lahatden.
Their place is mountainous.
Oletan tiriguhin.
The flour is grub-infested.
Bubukan papanin.
The boards are woodworm-infested.
-in- 3
Nominal affix signifying the land on which something is planted.
The two words ‘coconut grove’ and ‘banana grove’ occur also with ka- -an. But ‘coffee grove’ does not. The -an seems to focus on the piece of land planted with trees while the word with ka- -an focuses on the collection of trees.
Luha lahingannen.
His coconut grove is extensive.
Uyatan sine miya'an?
Whose banana plantation is that?
Buwa' ne kahawahannen.
His coffee grove is bearing fruit now.
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