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ka- -an
Affix occurring with nouns and adjectives expressing the (perceived) state of the subject.
The affixed word says something about the state of the subject of the clause or how it affects the subject.
Ka'ulanan kami si lān.
We were rained on on the road.
Kagabunan punuhin.
The mountain is covered with clouds.
Kamamisan ku si bāng-bāng iyan.
Those cookies are sweet to me.
Kabuhuk-buhukan ne buwa' kayu miya'an.
Much of that fruit is rotten.
Ga'i ku kamiskinan si a'a iyan.
That person does not seem poor to me.
Kahāpan ku si luma'nen.
I like his house (lit. his house seems good to me).
Verbal affix with emotion verbs and some cognition verbs in transitive constructions.
If the Theme (Experiencer) is the ergative noun phrase and the Nonnuclear Loc (Cause) is the absolutive noun phrase, the verb takes the ka- -an.
Kalasahanne anaknen.
He loves his child.
Ka'ase'anku papu'kun pegge' bahi' ne.
I pity my grandmother because she is old.
Tuhutku ine-ine kabaya'anne.
I go along with whatever he wants.
Kata'uhanku lān hap luma'den.
I know the way to their house.
Nakanak iyan ga' niya' kasabutanne.
That child does not understand anything.
Nominalizing affix.
Si luma'ku katekkahannen.
My house is what he arrived at.
Panyata' katalewannen.
Spirits are what he is afraid of.
Badju' miya'an kasinnahankun.
That blouse is what I like.
Nominal affix for a collective entity; a number of items of the same kind.
A place or entity with a collection/number of the same kind of items stated is marked by ka- -an. Exceptions are the words for coconut grove lahingan and banana grove uyatan which occur also with -an only. The -an seems to focus on the piece of land planted with trees while the word with ka- -an focuses on the collection of trees on the piece of land.
Lahat miya'an lahat kapapu'an kamihin.
That place is the place of our ancestors.
Me' ka'usbahan kami me' a'a iyan.
Those people are our relatives.
Dem kabatuhan pangahinanganne luma'in.
He is building the house in a stony place.
Lahatden dem kapunuhan.
Their place is in the mountains.
Pagtana'annen dem kalahingan.
He made his rice field in the coconut grove.
Luma'nen dem ka'uyatan.
His house is in a banana plantation.
Luha lahingannen.
His coconut grove is extensive.
Uyatan sine miya'an?
Whose banana plantation is that?
Affix signifying the entirety of the specified place.
Tahala' a'ahin kadanglahatan.
Everybody from that place has left (lit. people from that entire place).
Ubus ne kinelluhan tana'kun kadantana'an.
I have already weeded my rice field, the one entire field.
Ubus ne ilabasan bulaknen kadabulakan.
All his land has had the grass cut.
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