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Thought; reasoning.
Lalem akkal a'a miya'an, ta'u te'ed iye mikil manamal.
That person has deep thoughts; he really knows how to think.
N-, mag-
To think; to reason.
Akkalun ko' bang sā'ingge pangahatul jīp inin.
Please think how this jeep can be fixed.
Gey ku ta'u ngakkalne bang sā'ingge pangahatul jīpin pegge' ga' niya' sīnku.
I can’t think of a way to fix the jeep because I don’t have any money.
halul akkal
Deep thoughts/thinking.
N-, mag-
To deceive s.o.; to trick s.o.
Da'a kew luwal ngakkal.
Don’t always deceive.
Akahun mato'ohin, da'a kew magakkal.
Tell the truth, don’t deceive.
We'ey akkalannu bagaynun?
Why are you deceiving your friend?
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