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For s.o. to be sly, crafty, underhanded.
A'a iyan kayikit pegge' luwal ngakkalan panyap sawe'ne.
That person is crafty because (he gets) the belongings of his companions by deceiving.
N-, mag- (repet.)
To act in an underhanded manner, mislead, delude, fool, cheat s.o., take advantage (about things or money).
Usually by asking to use other people’s things in order to save one’s own.
A'a iyan ta'u ngayikit sawe'ne, bisan du niya' si iye māku pe si sawe'ne.
That person really knows how to mislead his companions; even though he has it, he still asks of his companions.
Da'a kite bi magkayikit pegge' sali' kite bi magtarabahu.
Let us not cheat each other because we both have work (and an income).
Sabunku inin kayikitku hadja si sawe'ku.
This soap I cheated from my companion.
paligew akkal2
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