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General terms 21.5

akal Final residue, solid matter (of coconut milk remaining in the process of making coconut oil).
alak Arrack (a strong alcoholic drink); any liquor.
bānya' Food, provisions.
kokakola Coca-Cola (a soft drink).
koret Morsel; a bit (of food); fragment (of food).
gemmi' Final residue of coconut milk (in making oil).
jampul Food taken home (from a feast or visit to s.o.).
lapung Moldy.
la'uk A viand.
loho' Soup; broth; liquid (of s.t. cooked).
lukas Left over (of food items).
lugpit 1 (lugpitan) A clump of pressed out cassava (wrapped).
lutu' Provisions, lunch packet.
momok Powder (of rice, maize, coffee).
petti 2 A foamy substance (rising to the top from coconut milk).
polbos Powder (anything pulverized like soap powder, ground coffee, powdered sugar, etc.).
sakulati 1 Chocolate.
sakulati 2 A vine; chocolate like drink (made of the seeds of this vine).
sayul Vegetables.
se'el 2 sine'el Food.
sindul A sweet soup.
sulangan The food first served (when planting rice).
sumbali' (sinumbali'r) Meat (that which was butchered).
sunsuman Things eaten (when drinking alcoholic beverages); snack of meat or fish (during a bout of drinking).
sunu' 1 Additional food, extra food, more of something.
tāk A gift of fish.
tahu Ginger tea; a hot drink made with ginger.
tengnges (tinengngesr) Picnic lunch, carry lunch (wrapped in leaves).
Tea (the beverage).
tibabal A vegetable made of unripe jackfruit or marang.
tuba' Coconut wine.
tupas Food eaten with a drink; a snack.
ulad A soup (made with rice, sweet potatoes and small beans or millet, sweetened).
upa' Betel chew.
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