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Final residue, solid matter (of coconut milk remaining in the process of making coconut oil).
Some solid matter is left when coconut milk is cooked down to oil. The taste of it is a bit sweet and a bit sour. It can be made into a viand by adding pepper, salt and onions. It is good with cooking bananas.
Making oil of coconuts: The grated meat lahing kinukut is mixed with some water and pressed out with the hands. The pressed out grated coconut sapal is discarded. The milk gata' is then put through a sieve. If one lets the liquid sit in the container overnight patuli the oil separates from the water, it floats on top covered with a foamy substance. The oil is then removed from the water and boiled. When the foamy substance akal is reddish and of a consistency like sand the oil is done. The oil is sieved again and poured into bottles.
Bang kew magisellan lahing niya' akalne si kāha'.
If you make oil from coconuts there is solid-matter in the frying pan.
gemmi' (tayi') lahing
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