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Other 19.5

alat-alat2 Decorations.
alkila To rent or hire s.t.
birang Fence (of any material); wall (around property).
bubuk To be wood worm infested.
kōk (kōkan ) The head-(end) (of the house, bed, etc.) The wall opposite the doorway.
dondang (dondangan) A swing (ropes with a board suspended).
hantal Proper or prescribed direction (for houses or corpses).
limbag 1 limbaganr A sketch, drawing (of an object).
puyut (puyutan ) A swing or hammock (for a small child to sleep in).
singal A shim (any object (paper, wood) one puts under an object to prop it up).
suntu'an Model, pattern, sample (the original thing to be copied).
tugul Braided rings (of rattan or a thin vine nuti').
umbaga' (umbaga'anr) A sample for making s.t.; s.t. to copy from or model after.
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