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A retaining block positioned below and against something on an incline to brace it from rolling or sliding.
A retaining block for a terrace stone wall is constructed when the stone-wall foundation threatens to slide. This retaining block is a small stone wall; it begins below the foundation stones, extending up to partially or completely cover the foundation stones. Bracing a wall above a pond field, laba, the retaining block extends down as far as the hard-packed basin floor, pānad. A small stone-wall retaining block may brace against soil or rocks threatening to slide into a terraced area. A retaining block may consist of a log, soil or stones blocked against an object or objects such as cargo or another log on a slope and the like.
hodol 1a līdah 1
For someone (agent muɴ-) to brace something (loc ref -an) on an incline with a retaining block (theme), as described above.
For a retaining block or someone (actor -um- & theme; s actor maN- & theme) to brace something (loc ref -on) on an incline, as described above.
For someone (agent) to brace something (theme i-) against a stationary object (loc ref) on an incline, to hold that braced from rolling or sliding down.
Inha'dol Aligūyun din galgānah nan pūun di āyiw hi ūma ta adi mapūlig.
Aligūyun braced his load against the base of a tree in the upland field so it wouldn't roll down.
A permanent debris fence, above an upland field or above an isolated or uppermost terrace on a slope, to prevent falling dirt, debris or rats from entering the terrace area.
Constructed of vertical posts with arrow-grass canes, bilāu, laid horizontally, about 30 - 40 cm. high, and plugged tightly with grass.
hāwan 1
For someone (agent muɴ-) to shield a field, terraced area (loc ref -an) with a debris fence (theme), as described above.
For someone (agent muɴ-) to hold back dirt, sliding debris or rats (loc ref -an) with a debris fence (theme), as described above.
For someone (agent) to use wood, stones, cane stalks (inst i-, paN-) for constructing a debris fence.
For a debris fence (actor -um- & theme) to hold back falling dirt, debris or rats (loc ref -on) from a field, terraced area, as described under 2a.
hāwan 2
For someone (agent -um-; s agent maN-) to host visitors (loc ref -on).
Hina'dol Alanghābon din do'ol an mangīli an immālid Batad.
Alanghābon hosted many visitors who came to Batad.
A headhunting enactment ritual performed following the taking of an enemy's head, ngāyaw, būhul.
The ritual lasts three to six days and is identical in form to the bahbah ritual; the difference is only that with the latter, no head is involved.
For someone (agent -um-; s agent maN-) to sponsor a headhunting ritual (theme) for the severed head of an enemy, ngāyaw (loc ref -on), as described above.
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