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senung 2 Sense 1 verb English. Hit's one's head on s.t., esp. when rising under it. Example sentence: Subanen. Si Ama', kali' mipanaw tu gulangan, misenungeni tiwan mipeti'an gupia seged. English. When Father went into the forest, he happened to rise up under a bee('s nest) that he hit with his head, he was stung severely. Generic. suntuk?? Sense 2 English. Violates an exhortation given at a major Subanen ceremony. Example sentence: Subanen. Nandaw megbitinu buku. Adin su mekesenung dun, ukemen telu pulu' kumpaw, telu pulu' pilak dema. English. Today I give an exhortation. Whoever violates it, will be judged worthy of a thirty kumpaw fine, thirty pesos, too. Example sentence: Subanen. Laak dagid adin su mekaulap dun, iini mekebuat dun puli', pu' tinibaba'en senungenen sug buku. English. But whoever spoils it must be the one to erect it again, because it is his just recompense for ignoring the instructions. Generic. milas
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