English. Levels s.t., usu. in construction of a house.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su penatag nug balayu, miglintus, pu' ndi'u metau mengnatag dun.
English. The crossbeams of my house are uneven, because I don't know how to make them level.
English. The first crossbeams fastened to house posts on which further crossbeams are placed at right angles, before the floor joists
and flooring.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su penatag nug balay mu kia, subay suklian mu ganam. Pu' gekbuken ki gayu kia tinambed mu.
English. You'd better replace the beams of your house right away. For the wood you used is infested with wood borers.
Synonym. selikan
Generic. pata'
c.f. baad; dumulus; gatung; saleg