English. Experiences supernatural effects, good or bad, usu. thought of as bad.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ndi' mu lai nemalay ki kektuyud mu, mbuus mengmuus.
English. Don't keep on with your cursing, lest something happen to you.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ya'a melaat su kulis mu, ndi' na memala' dini'a, ndi' na pagid memuus dini'a, ditu na pemala' bata' datu', bata' bai, dengan mu megigetaw, tu sala benwanan, sala tubigan...
English. You with a bad palm, it will no longer harm you, no longer affect you, but may it affect the child of a chief, the child of
a princess, one born the same day you were, in another country, beside another river...
Synonym. elig; bala'