English. Tells s.o. to stop doing or saying s.t.; tells s.o. not to do or say s.t..
Example sentence:
Subanen. Pemaagen su gembata' dig dupanganen, adun meksikesuun.
English. A child is told to stop his bad behavior, so that he will be good.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Baa, mauma mipakayaw ma mesabulak ig penepeten ta kini? Baa, kiin da nga gembata' kiin, mibelayu memaag dinilan.
English. Intj., why are these clothes of ours all strewn around? Intj., those children, I wore myself out telling them not to do that.
Synonym. mali; ndi'; titulu'
In group with: bandu; tambag; tikuli'; ungub