English. Crooked, as a condition of s.t. which usu. is able to be straightened.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Melaaten lai gupia bianan ta kini, meliku' gupia.
English. This way we're taking is terrible; it's very windy.
English. Changes the direction in which s.t. or s.o. is headed or oriented.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Buat Buug mateng Cagayan, lumiku' dapit lintu sa' mangay tug Bukidnon.
English. Going from Buug, when one reaches Cagayan, he turns right if he's going to Bukidnon.
Idiom: peliku'an talu'
English. Proscribes offensive speech.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Si Tibugel, ndi' niu peliku'ay talu', pu' melemu melayu'i ginaanen.
English. Don't shush Tibugel, because he gets hurt and offended easily.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ndi' mu peliku'liku'ay talu'i gembata', mbuus mauba'.
English. Don't make the baby be quiet, lest she feel bad.
c.f. buni