Sense 1
English. Sits, generic for sits, hunkers and squats.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Pegingkuda dini gupidu, pu' saakan ku ya'a.
English. Sit down here by me, because I have s.t. to question you about.
Idiom: ingkudan tumayam
English. Top of the post of a beklug platform which is on the left of the bridge leading from the house to the platform.
c.f. beklug
In group with: lingkulu; lumpipi'; ulampad
Sense 2
English. Of any official, takes office.
Idiom: metau megingkud
English. Knows how to sit up, the stage of infant development perceived as after crawling and before stumbling.
Generic. bata'
Idiom: ingkudan dendi'an
English. A small fine levied in informal litigation.