daut 1
English. Seasons, garnishes or colors food with an herb.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sug lempan, pigdautan mu na?
English. Did you already season the viand?
Example sentence:
Subanen. Baa kig lempan ta kini, melaati nanamen, pu' gahus laaki bata' pegdauten.
English. Ah these vegetables of ours taste bad, because only a little garlic seasoned them.
English. An herb whose skin, fruit, flower or root is used as a medicine, garnish, seasoning or color for food. Gen. for seasonings.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Alap mu lagumbayan pegdautu di tapay, pu' nda'idun ig lempi'.
English. Get some lagumbayan tree root to flavor the rice wine starter with, for we have no root of the lempi' tree.
In group with: ahus; bawing; dalekpi'; enda; lawag; luya; sibulyun; sibuyas; sili; tenglad; tiugu