Sense 1
English. Dishes up food onto or into s.t.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su gemay, sa' milutu' na, pegdakul amu.
English. When the cooked rice is ready, serve it up.
Sense 2
English. Wraps a human body in bark for burial.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' ma'nia bitang di galud, dinakul laak su minatay kia.
English. If a someone is wrapped in bark for burial, the dead has been just dakul-ed.
Cultural Note. Wrapping a human body for burial was one of the traditional methods of burial among Subanen.
English. A plate, platter for serving food.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' meguna ita mpauk, subay telu'en ta, “Naa mingupated, inaan, mpauk nau, melaat nai palasen ya'a nai ekpag dig dekulan ta kiin.”
English. If we are the first to get full, we must say, “Now, Brother, I'm full, (but) it looks bad that you are the one to finish (lit.
shake off the remains) what's on the platter.”
Generic. pinggan