Sense 1
English. Considers, reckons s.t.; counts s.t. to determine quantity; enumerates s.t..
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ki talu' sa'a, gemiten nami sa' duuni bilangen.
English. We use the word one when we're counting s.t..
Synonym. isip
Sense 2
English. Pays attention to s.t. or s.o.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Mauma su sinugu'u dini'a, nda' mu pemilangbilang?
English. Why didn't you pay attention to what I told you to do?
Sense 3
English. Few, seldom, i.e. what can be counted.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Mbilang dai kangayu dini saba' melaun gupia baalen ku.
English. I seldom come here, because I have lots to do.
Synonym. liang