belu' 1
English. Is bold.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' megbelu' na sug babuy pingeted gitu', paingalan nami dun, mikteliagat.
English. If a pig being chased by dogs is very bold, it is called teliagat.
Cultural Note. Culturally negative characteristic.
Synonym. sukul
In group with: iges
c.f. atu
English. A falcon, probably the Philippine falconet,
Scientific name. Microhierax erythrogonys.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Bintelangen ku pai patal ni telias kia, sigi entaday bebelu'.
English. I just set a snare in the top of that tree that split when I was felling it, so that one side of the trunk is still standing;
falconets keep lighting there.
Cultural Note. Name is associated with the fact that this bird does not flee humans.
Generic. dagit; manukmanuk