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To be good at s.t.; neat, tidy (with one’s body and personal belongings, as well as one’s children and house).
Tuntul iye magipat mākanak.
He is good at looking after children.
Tuntul kābew iyan ne pangābewan.
That carabao is good to be ride on.
N-, mag-
To straighten out (quarreling people).
bahi'in nuntul siye pegge' bakas magsasew siye.
The elder went to straighten them out because they have been in trouble.
bahi'in magtuntul me' a'a magsasewin.
The elder goes to straighten out the people in trouble.
Tuntulne me' a'anen bang magsasew.
He straightens out the people when they have trouble.
To be of one mind.
Gey siye magtuntul.
They are not of one mind.
Magtuntul ne siye maglewlekebinihin pegge' bakas hinukum ne.
The married couple is of one mind now because they have been judged.
N-, mag- (recip.)
To point out, show, teach s.t. (how to do s.t., which road to take, where on the page to read, etc.).
Patuntulun iye bang inggehin binatsanen.
Point out to him which one he should read.
ku dahu' matuntul iye pegge' ga'i pe iye tantu ta'u magpanyām.
I will just go and show her, because she still doesn’t know very well how to make rice cakes.
Bang ka'am ngadji' magpatuntul ne hadja ka'am.
When you read from the Qur’an teach each other.
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