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N-, mag- (recip.)
To help s.o. (esp. with money), provide aid, assistance.
Tulung dahu' sukalkun we' sīn pangurungnen.
My need was provided for a while by the money he gave.
A'a iyan basag nulung sukal.
That person helps a lot (with money when there is) a need.
Tulungne sukalkun; tūdananne ku hap luma'.
She helped (me in) my need; she accompanied me home.
Me' a'a magpungtina'i miya'an magtulung sukal siye.
Those siblings provide aid for each other when in need.
Contributions to a festivity.
Every person attending a feast (wedding, funeral, etc.) is expected to give some money to help with the expenses. That gift is called a tatulungan.
Niya' tellu ngibu tatulungan a'ahin tapus papu'kun.
The people (gave) three thousand in contributions at the hundredth day celebration of my grandfather.
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