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Ga'i tasabutku bang ine tudjan bissānen.
I don’t understand the meaning of his words.
Gey tasabutku bang ine katudjanan bissāne ley.
I don’t understand the meaning of what he says there.
Si aku hep katudjanan bissāne ley.
The meaning of what he is saying is for me.
hāti 1
To direct s.t. toward s.o. (of speech or work to be done).
If used of speech it is intended for s.o. other than the one addressed.
Da'a isab patudjanun si a'a dangan kēmon hinang mabohatin.
Don’t direct all the heavy work to one person.
Patudjanne si aku bissāhin pegge' ga'i ku nungka'.
He directs his words toward me because I won’t fight back.
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