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To be saved (from destruction), rescued.
Eggas luma'nen, ga' niya' timbul me' panyapnen.
His house burned; none of his belongings were saved.
Pu'unne timbul pegge' ku nabang iye.
The reason he was rescued is because I went and helped him.
N-, mag-
To save, keep, rescue s.t. (not throw it out).
Nimbul ne ku hadja bang niya' ne gey gunane.
If there is something that she has no longer a use for I just save it.
Timbulne kaldero ilakasankun.
She rescued the pot I threw away.
Ga'i ne ku magtimbul me' pamanganan iyan pegge' ga'i ne du taguna.
I am not going to keep those dishes because they are no longer usable.
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