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ka- -an
To motivate, incite, influence, induce s.o. (to do s.t.).
Katimbo'ohan ku magsigup (we' ne).
I was influenced (by him) to smoke.
Iye meketimbo'o aku magsigupin.
He influenced me to smoke.
Gey iye maglengngan bang ga' niya' meketimbo'o iye.
She does not go out if nobody motivates her.
Bang iye tu'u katimbo'ohan ku magdagey pegge' magdagey iye.
When he is here I am induced to play because he plays.
For s.o. to be counted as s.t., to be included with s.o.
Timbo'o ne iye si'itku pegge' si'itku ellanen.
She is counted as my aunt because her husband is my uncle.
Bang dayahan anakten timbo'o ne kite metetto'anen.
If our child is rich we her parents are counted (as rich also).
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