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To blow (of wind).
Bang nihup baliyuhin ekka mangga labo'.
When the wind is blowing many mangoes fall.
N-, mag-
To blow s.t.
Tihupku ebbutin ambat kayat.
I blow the fire to make it flame.
She is blowing the fire because it is not flaming.
Tihupne tihup-tihupin.
He blows the whistle.
Sine nihup peyita'an iyan?
Who blew out that lamp?
Bang tihup beliyu kātas iyan labo' iyan.
If the wind blows that paper it will fall.
A whistle.
A small wind instrument in which sound is produced by the forcible passage of breath through a slit in a short tube.
Bang pahelling kondoktolin tihup-tihupnen para jīpin.
When the conductor blows his whistle the jeep stops.
N-, mag-
To whistle (by puckering the mouth).
Luwal iye netihup.
He always whistles.
Magtetihup siye bang niya' dende palabey.
They whistle if girls go by.
Tetihupanun ko' a'a miya'an duk kite kitene.
Whistle at/for that person so that he will see us.
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