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N-, mag-
To shorten s.t. (by cutting it); to trim s.t.
Any long object can be ‘trimmed’ as posts, boards, tails of fish or chicken, hedges, etc. If no object is mentioned it means fingernails.
Tettep du kew, iyu' taha' kukkunun.
Trim them; your fingernails are long.
(This form is used though the grammatically correct form would be ‘nettep du kew’ or ‘tettepanun kukkunun’.)
Bakas nettep ne ku, pandak ne kukkukun.
I have trimmed them; my fingernails are already short.
Nettep ku jambangan miya'an tanemku.
I trim those plants to plant them (the tops).
Tettepanne kōknen.
She cut her hair.
Magtettep kōk iye.
She cut her hair. Or: She cuts hair.
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