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Dream (dreamed while sleeping).
Niya' teginepku dibuhi'.
I had a dream last night.
N-, mag-
To dream, to have a dream (while sleeping).
Minduwe ku neginep dibuhi'.
I dreamed twice last night.
Luwal ku magteginep kahaba' sangem.
I always dream every night.
To dream about s.t.
Taginepku dibuhi' we' la'i ku si Sembuwangan.
I dreamed last night that I was there in Zamboanga.
For s.o. to appear in a dream.
Pateginep papu'kun si aku dibuhi'.
My grandfather appeared to me in a dream last night.
Hangkan iye pateginep pegge' hatu niya' sukalne.
The reason that he appeared in a dream is because perhaps he has a need.
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