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Explanation, definition, meaning.
Especially of Qur’anic texts.
In a dictionary there is a certain word and next to it (lit. on the other side) is its definition.
Batsahun da lamba kur'an iyan ubus magaka kew bang ine tapsilnen.
Read one page of the Qur’an and then say what its meaning is.
N- -an, mag-
To explain, interpret, give an explanation or interpretation (mostly of a Qur’anic text).
Kata'uhanne kēmon dem kula'anin napsilan.
He knows how to interpret everything in the Qur’an.
Gey ku ta'u napsilan bang ine pina'inne miya'an.
I cannot explain what he is saying there.
Ga'i ku ta'u magtapsil bissā Arab.
I cannot explain Arabic words.
Kahaba' niya' bissā Pakistanin tapsilanne.
Each time the Pakistani speaks he (his interpreter) interprets it.
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