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tapangan, tinapangan
To be distracted, diverted, or preoccupied.
Tapang ku bang ekka a'aku, gey tahinangku me' hininangkun.
I am distracted if there are many visitors; I cannot do my work.
Tapangan ne ku. Pegge' arak ku ta'amban we' jīp ga' ne ta'essebku me' bino'okun.
I was distracted. Because I almost was left behind by the jeep, I did not remember the things I was carrying.
Niya' a'a sōng ngala'at dendehin. Hawal talewnen tinapangan iye maglingan māku tabang si me' sawe'ne magtapitin.
Someone came to the woman (and was) about to do something bad to her. Because of her fear she was diverted from calling (and) asking for help of her neighbors.
N-, mag-
To distract or divert s.o.
Sine napang ka'uhin hangkan kew hebba'?
Who diverted you (your attention) so that you fell?
Da'a kew luwal magtapang bang niya' hinangku.
Don’t keep distracting (me) when I have work to do.
Da'a tapangun nakanak iyan duk gey hebba' pegge' behu magaya lumengngan pe iye.
Don’t distract that child so that he won’t fall because he only recently learned to walk.
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