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An opening (hole in a coconut); the mouth (of a bamboo water container, which is cut at an angle); notches (in a tree trunk).
Tehebanun beteng iyan, paluhahun tanghabnen.
Cut that coconut; widen its opening.
Diki' tanghab bolo'in.
The mouth of the bamboo water container is small.
N-, mag-
To notch (a tree or bamboo pole), to cut the opening (of a bamboo water container or coconut, at an angle).
Tanghabanun bolo'kun.
Cut the opening on my bamboo water container (at an angle).
Ī' iye magtanghab bolo'.
He is gone to cut the mouth of the bamboo water container.
Nanghab be kew kayu iyan.
Make notches into that tree.
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