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N-, mag-
To close or shut s.t. (as a door, box, book).
Tambel ne iskulin.
School is closed now.
Bang sangem subey tambel gawangten.
At night our door should be closed.
Tambelku gawangin.
I shut the door.
Niya' nambel gawangkun.
Someone closed my door.
Magtambel ne dapu' tindahin pegge' kohap ne.
The shop owners are closing because it is afternoon.
Gate (s.t. used to close a gateway).
Hunit iluka tambelan tarangka inin.
The gate of this gateway is difficult to open.
Ga' niya' tambelan tarangkanen.
His gateway doesn’t have a gate.
Enclosure, fold (for a carabao).
Papīhun ne kābewin dem tambelan.
Put the carabao into the enclosure.
Ubus ne tinambel tambelan kābewnen.
The enclosure for the carabao has been closed.
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