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(For a request) to be complied with.
Bang ku da'aknu magsa'il, magsa'il ne ku hadja bisan ga'i hāp duk kew hadja tahud.
If I am told to sing a ballad, I just do it even if it is not good; just so that you are complied with.
Kuwe' bang niya' dina'ak si kite ubus ngatu kite bisan hadja daddali' duk hadja tahud a'a manganda'ak kitehin.
If someone tells us to do something, then we are willing (to do it) just for a little while just so the one telling us will be complied with.
To oblige s.o. (by doing s.t. as requested), to help just a little.
Daran ne ku makatabang si iye, ga' ku bakas tahudne.
I have often asked her to help; she did not oblige me.
Daran ne iye tatahudku.
I have often obliged him.
Bang niya' panganda'akanku iye, nabang isab subey nahud hadja.
If I tell her to do something, (she) does help but only to oblige.
Tambal iyan gey mekekewuli', nahud-nahud hadja.
That medicine does not make one well; it just helps a little.
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