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Excuse me, pardon me.
It is used to request permission for an intended violation of conventional politeness, as when passing between speakers, interrupting a conversation, or mentioning a subject or item usually avoided.
Bang niya' sōng ta'atte sabab me' panyap dende atawa lella pa'inte: tebiya' ne hadja si me' mapakalehin.
If one is going to say something about the genitals of men or women one says: those (of you) who are listening, please excuse (my mentioning this).
N-, mag- (recip.)
To ask permission to leave or to pass by; to take leave.
If one passes a house close to the roadside or passes other people on the road one says palabey kami or maglabey kite. That action is called nebiya'. If one passes close to or between people one says tebiya'.
Nebiya' kew bang kew palabey amban bihing sawe'nu.
Ask permission when you pass your companion.
We took leave (of each other) because they got onto the jeep and I was also going home.
ba'id (ma'id) ma'ap
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