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N-, pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
To flow or go backwards.
Bang beytu solon pasunsung bohe'in padiyata'.
At the time of high tide the river flows backwards upstream.
Bang ku ebburan nunsung balik kinakankun, ubus nguta' ku.
When I am nauseated the food I ate goes backwards again, then I vomit.
Luwal magsunsungan diyalem dākankun.
It is always going backwards in my chest (constantly feels like throwing up).
N- -an, mag-
To push s.t.
Sunsunganne bewutuhin dem tahik.
He pushed the boat into the sea.
Bang ga'i tapana'ikbi kayu iyan magsunsung ka'am.
If you cannot climb that tree push each other up.
Sine nunsungan ka'uhin hangkan kew tapana'ik diyata' kayu iyan?
Who pushed you so that you could climb that tree?
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