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Convenient, handy, advantageous.
Su'at luma' inin pegge' mura kite nabu'.
This house is advantageous because we can easily go shopping.
Su'at te'ed bilik pala'ihanne miya'an.
The room she stays in is very convenient.
Su'at bag inin bino'o-bo'o pegge' ekka pangisihante me' panyapte.
This bag is handy to take because we can put many of out belongings into it.
untul3 1
To make s.t. convenient, handy.
Subey su'atte pangenna'ante pamangananten.
We should make the place for storing our dishes convenient.
A'a iyan ga'i ta'u nu'at dīne.
That person does not know how to make things convenient for himself.
Subey kite ngahinang kasu'atante.
We should make it to our convenience (so it is convenient for us).
Bang kew mabaya' miha kasu'atannu, bellihun luma' miya'an.
If you are looking for your convenience (s.t. that is convenient for you), buy that house.
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