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Filled with s.t., stuffed.
Sibu' maletahin we' semmek.
The suitcase is stuffed with clothes.
Ngasibu' du nakanak iyan bang hadje.
That child will become filled out when he grows up (he is skinny now).
For a young person to ‘fill out’, to fully develop, to acquire adult proportions.
Dende iyan ga' pe nibu'.
That girl has not yet filled out.
To fill s.t. very full, stuff s.t..
Sibu'anne behenen duk kinakan.
He filled his mouth with food.
pa-, mag-
For s.o. to take up space.
Hap luma' ne ka'am, da'a ka'am lu'u pasibu' si luma' a'alu.
Go home now; don’t be there filling (taking up space in) the house of those people.
Come here into this room; don’t take up space there.
N-, mag-
To place s.t. into s.t. (thereby filling or stuffing it).
Pasibu'ne semmeknen dem maletaku.
She stuffed her clothes into my suitcase.
Sine masibu' semmekne mapitu dem maletaku inin?
Who stuffed his clothes here into my suitcase?
A'a iyan luwal pitu magpasibu' me' panyapne si luma' sawe'ne.
That person always comes here placing his belongings in the houses of his companions.
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