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Filth; uncleanliness.
Gey ta'inum bohe' iyan, ekka sammalne.
That water can’t be drunk; it has much filth in it.
Asuhin mangan sammal.
The dog eats filthy things.
Niya' tuli dem sammal.
Someone is sleeping in the filth.
Filthy, unclean (esp. in a religious sense).
Things like cadavers or excrement are sammal, but also moral or ritual uncleanliness is sammal. People who commit illicit sex are considered sammal. A woman during her menstruation is sammal and should not cook for others, esp. for old people. If one eats anything forbidden one becomes sammal. Before doing the ablutions for worship a person is considered sammal.
Sammal luma' iyan.
That house is filthy.
Sammal dende iyan pegge' luwal iye magjina.
That woman is unclean because she always commits adultery.
To make s.t. filthy.
Da'a pagsammalanun bi bohe'in.
Don’t make the water filthy.
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