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A stump (of arm or leg).
The basal portion of a bodily part remaining after the rest is removed.
Sugpatanne duk kayu putuknen.
She attached wood to her stump.
Luwal katel si atag putuknen.
It always itches at her stump.
For s.t. to be cut off, to be severed.
Putuk sawehin pineddang we' ku.
The snake is severed, slashed by me.
N-, mag- (repet.)
To cut off s.t., sever.
Putukanku sawalkun pegge' taha'.
I cut off my trousers because they are long.
Iye tarabahu a'a miya'an magputuk batang.
The work of that person is to cut tree trunks (into pieces).
Niya' mutuk ingket kābewkun.
Someone severed the rope of my carabao.
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