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Trouble (as result of being implicated in s.t.); forced complicity; incrimination.
If a carabao was stolen and tied in my yard even if I don’t know anything about it I am brought pitna. If a person has killed someone and comes to my house I am involved in the trouble, I may be targeted in the course of revenge.
Da'a ku bo'ohanun pitna.
Don’t bring trouble to me.
hadja a'a miya'an mo'ohan siye pitna.
That person just went there and brought trouble to them.
N- -an
To implicate s.o. (in a crime).
Pitnahanne sawe'nen pegge' kābew tinangkewnen ingketanne si bihing luma' sawe'ne.
He implicates his companion because he ties the carabao he stole beside the house of his companion.
Kapitnahan siye pegge' a'a mapateyin si luma'de.
They are being implicated because the murderer went to their house.
A'a iyan basag mitnahan sawe'ne.
That person implicates his companions a lot.
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