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N-, mag-
To hit, slap, crush s.t. (not very hard with hand or some instrument), to tap s.t. (as with fingers on the edge of a table to entertain a child).
Da'a kew matuk magdekdak duk gey pepekku tangannun.
Don’t join in washing the clothes so that I won’t slap your hand.
Bang kew ngulintang da'a kew mepek ga' bidda'.
When you play the percussion beams don’t hit them just any old way.
Magpepek kelokok iye dem tinanemne.
She is hitting (killing) snails in her garden.
Magpepek-pekek kew duk ga'i nāring nakanakin.
Tap (with your fingers) so that the child will not cry.
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