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N-(-an), mag-
To make s.t. nice or better; particularly to paint designs on the face (with white rice powder).
It is Yakan custom to make a white design on the face of the main participants in the celebrations of wedding, graduation from the Qur’an studies, and at a weighing ceremony. Only certain women know how to do it.
Ubus ne pangantinin pinahāpan.
The bride has been painted.
Ta'u ku mahāp pangantin.
I know how to paint (designs on the face of) the bride.
La'i ne iye magpahāp pangantin.
She is already there painting the bride’s face.
Tiya' ku mahāpan pangantin lellahin.
I am off to paint (the face) of the bridegroom.
Pahāpanun batad iyan, ānanun kōknen duk me' buhuknen.
Make that maize nice; remove the hair and the rotten parts.
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