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A mark (even one made with a pen); a brand (specifically the brand burned onto the skin of an animal by a government office).
A bookmark or anything used to mark a trail such as a chipped tree, a broken branch, something stuck in the ground can be called a malka. In the branding of animals only the official mark or seal from a government office is called malka, a private branding is called a malka indan.
Niya' ne malka kābewkun.
My carabao has already a brand.
Niya' malka kayu miya'an.
That tree has a mark.
To put a mark on s.t.; brand an animal.
Bo'ohun kābewnun si tabu'an, niya' magmalka la'i.
Take your carabao to the market, someone is branding (them) there.
Malkahanku ne bakas tabatsakun.
I have already marked what I read.
Branding iron (the instrument for making a mark on cattle).
Indamanun ku malka.
Lend me the branding iron.
malka indan
Private mark on cattle to identify them.
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