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To be able to (do s.t.), to happen to (do s.t.).
Abilitative / circumstantial affix in single-argument and antipassive clauses. With roots that occur normally unaffixed it is tapa-; with roots that normally take the nasal prefix it is tapaN-.
Mekebelli ku kenna ensini'.
I was able to buy fish earlier.
Ga' ku mekepagdekdak pegge' ga' niya' sabunku.
I was not able to do my laundry because I had no soap.
Makasampang a'a ku si lān.
I happened to meet people on the road.
Maka'eddo' manuk-manuk iye ensini'.
He was able to get birds earlier.
Makapapatey asu iye.
He happened to kill a dog.
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