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A gift from the groom’s relatives to the bride or her relatives.
Even if the ordinary brideprice is not given, this one is compulsory. Even if people are married but the husband did not give mahal their children will be called illegitimate. (That’s what the old people say.) If an unmarried girl becomes pregnant and the man gives mahal he thereby acknowledges the child as his. The gift should be valuable like a brass tray, jewelry or money. If money is given something long lasting should be bought with it to show even in the future that the mahal had been given. It could be even land that is still pawned at the time of the wedding but will go to the bride’s family when it is redeemed. The mahal is never requested but just given.
Bang magkawin subey niya' mahal.
When there is a wedding there has to be a gift from the groom.
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